Joys Abounding

the MACK family (Matthew, Amelia, Charlotte, & Kara) take on the adventure of a NOBO thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2022

Ponies and Paul

We haven't had service in a week so this post has been a week in the making. Charlotte has waited 500 miles to see "the ponies". It was one of the things we used to hype up the trail for her when she was lukewarm about wanting to do this. But, ponies. Ponies were promised. After 500 miles. We actually saw some ponies the night before we entered Grayson Highlands State Park, the home of the famous wild ponies. We camped near a pasture that had a...

Frostbite to Heat Stroke

Again mom, don't worry. We haven't had either. Just a quippy title. On April 19th we were walking up Unaka Mountain. We were wearing every item of clothing we are carrying on our backs. I had on a t-shirt, fleece, down jacket, and a rain jacket. I had on a hat and 2 hoods. I was wearing wool gloves with a pair of gortex mittens on top. It was 28 degrees. On April 19th On Unaka Mountain we saw a unique weather phenomenon - Hoar Frost. Hoar frost...